Check Adobe Commerce core code changes

Check Adobe Commerce core code changes


1 min read

Upgrade Compatibility Tool offers a possibility to compare a client's Adobe Commerce installation with a clean vanilla installation to see if the core code has any modifications made to implement a new feature or customization.

This check might also be helpful during presales, consulting engagements like a Health Check to understand how healthy the codebase is.

Steps for the check

Install UCT

composer create-project magento/upgrade-compatibility-tool uct --repository

Install vanilla Magento

Note: "2.4.4-p2" is used as an example

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition=2.4.4-p2 magento-2.4.4-p2

Make a core code changed check

bin/uct core:code:changes <client_magento_dir> <vanilla_magento_dir>